How to become a savvy saver

How to become a savvy saver

I think we all can agree no matter what our situations, the pinch on money at the moment with the increase of bills and costs is hitting us all and a lot of us are struggling financially. We wanted to share some tips with you that might just save you a few extra £/€ each month so the world doesn't seem as much of a money pot. Some of them may seem a bit silly but the more you implement into your life the money those extra few pounds might add up. 


Take your tea/coffee to work 

With an average coffee costing £3.75, this tip could save you around £20 a week if you're a serial coffee shop go-er. Carry your tea bags and coffee granules with you. This way you can simply ask a coffee shop for some hot water and make it yourself or you can simply boil the kettle at work if you have one. Yes you may have acquired the taste for speciality brewed coffees but how much better will your coffee taste when you know you get that extra night out at the end of the month instead. 


Challenge yourself to a week of no spending

Obviously this doesn't involve bills and things that NEED paying off this is for everything else you don't essentially need. Those £1 snacks you get each day, those meal deals when you have food at home, those Friday afternoon trips to Primark, challenge yourself to a spend free week and see how much more comfortable you feel financially by the end of the month.


Check your direct debits

Have a look at whats actually coming out of your account each month. Are you really using what you're paying for. Are you paying monthly for a fitness app you used once and didn't go back to, a subscription to a magazine you could live without. Have a look through and really quiz yourself on how often you use the subscriptions you're paying monthly for. It could be time to cut them off.


Sell your old clothes

If you're anything like me you have a wardrobe full of clothes you hardly wear and it may be time to pass them onto someone who will love them more. Sites like Depop and Vinted are great for selling your unwanted clothes, simply snap a pic and upload it to the site and people can browse through your store. This can be a great little money maker as one persons trash is another's treasure. dedicate half a day to going through your wardrobe and finding some bits you don't use anymore and pop them on a re selling website. You can de clutter your house and make money at the same time! 


Do one big food shop a month

We're a nation of over shoppers when it comes to food and I can bet we all end up throwing away a lot of the food we don't end up using. This is why it's great to do one big monthly food shop and then just top up the bits you're missing weekly. Write down a big list of everything you need and make sure you add more for the month. You're going to need a fair bit of freezer space for this because your freezer will become your best friend. This way when you're making meals you can make larger portions and freeze them to eat throughout the month (also a great time saver.) Doing a big food shop at the start of the month also allows you to see a bit clearer just exactly how much money you have left to spend on other things. Give it a go next month and see how it goes. 


Pause those gym memberships

Now it's summer it's the perfect time to get outside and do some exercise. Pause those gym memberships over summer and switch up your workouts. Switch your cardio day for a hike and your HIIT workouts for a some HIIT in the garden. Make the most of the lovely weather and save some money at the same time.


You don't need to upgrade just cos you're contracts up

We always want the newest thing and sometimes it's just not worth the price. Whether it's your phone, car or something else, if it's still working just keep it. Switch to sim only if it's your phone contract or just stop having to pay out each month for anything else. You'll be amazed how much money you'll save without contracts hanging over your head. 


Walk more

As soon as we become drivers we start to rely on our cars to get us everywhere, even if it's just to nip to the local shop. Start walking to close by places instead of driving. The price of petrol is so high at the moment and those little trips add up. Not only will your bank balance thank you for not having those petrol payments coming out but i can guarantee you'll feel better for it too.


Don't be a supermarket snob

Supermarkets like Aldi and Lidl are so much cheaper than other supermarkets and sell the same products without the fancy label. You could be saving so much money by switching. 


Switch to unbranded

As a nation we are obsessed with labels and we just have to have the most well known brands and it's just not necessary. Whether it's food or clothes, switching to unbranded could save so much money. Believe it or not no-one is going to notice whether those cycling shorts are from Primark or if they have a tick on the side.


whatever your financial position we hope these tips can help you, even if you just stick to one and we hope you're all doing okay out there! 


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